Attic Insulation Could Save Your Energy Bills And Money

As most people learned in high school science class, heat rises. While the lower part of a home feels warm as the furnace is working its magic, this warm air starts to grow and goes into the attic and then out of the roof. Experts everywhere tend to agree that the attic is by far the most significant single loser of heat in any home.

Even if a home attic does have insulation, over time, the insulation begins to settle, reducing its insulation barrier, preventing the ability to keep warm air in the house in the winter months and out of the house during the summer months. The only way to avoid this occurrence is to insulate the attic. According to the United States Department of Energy, adding insulation to one’s attic is not only the best way to ensure a comfortable home throughout the year, but it can also save homeowners on their monthly energy bills.

Saving Energy Bills

Heating and cooling applications in your home usually account for almost half of your energy bills. If the insulation is ineffective, all cooling and heating systems in the family have to work that much harder to keep the house comfortable, increasing energy bills even further. Proper insulation will save homes anywhere between 30 and 50 percent on energy bills. In today’s turbulent economy, keeping that much on energy bills often proves to be a precious commodity.

There are a lot of good reasons to hire an insulation company like Star Spray Foam that specializes in attic insulation services, including that they can do it much faster; they are used to the hot temperatures in an attic. They have all the proper tools and knowledge to do it right. While it may cost money initially, homeowners will make it right back with the money they save on their energy bills if the attic is adequately insulated.

Not only does attic insulation save on energy bills, but it also provides other significant savings. Because the attic is insulated, heating, and cooling systems in the home do not need to work as hard to make the home comfortable.

Heating and cooling systems

Heating and cooling systems, such as furnaces and air conditioners that work extremely hard, tend to break down quicker and require more maintenance and quite possibly even replacement. Repairing or replacing one of these systems costs a lot of money. If these systems do not have to work as hard, they will not require as much maintenance and will last a lot longer in the home.

While many believe they can save money by insulating the attic themselves, it is always best to call in a professional team to do it. While it may seem like an easy DIY project, it is not. If not done correctly, it will not insulate the attic properly. Eventually, homeowners will have to spend more money on hiring professionals to redo it all. If a person does it themselves and creates a gap, the insulation’s effectiveness will be severely muted.